Alright, so I've been in love with Chris's (
ButtonMachine) amazing buttons for a while now. We became Etsy friends a while back..I actually own a few of his buttons including his Hello Kitty set (of course!), his Pacman love button set and the amazing back to the 80s buttons. I have at least one on all of my totes:)
Chris has been on Etsy for a year now, his Etsyversary just passed, so he's not new to the whole handmade thing. (& ladies.. he's a part of the 3% male population on Etsy!)
The ButtonMachine shop has a variety of buttons and he also does custom work. He also has a few very neat vintage items once in a while. Definitely check him out!
1. Hey Chris! Tell us a bit about your self ! Where are you from?I'm 29, single, live at home with my parents, and make buttons in my bedroom! My bedroom is located in beautiful Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
2. Is selling on Etsy your full time job or do you something else? I sell on Etsy and eBay. It’s currently what I do for my primary income and as you can see it’s working out really well for me, being single, 29 and living at home with my parents…
3. I love buttons! How did you get started in the button business? Buttons rule! I used to be in a thrash metal band and we needed buttons. So, instead of paying someone else to do them, I bought a button machine and some parts and did them myself! From there, I figured I’d just make buttons to sell on eBay as well. Then I discovered Etsy, which is a far more pleasant online market place. Plus, making buttons is just fun. I recently started to do custom orders for friends, bands, businesses, and charities. I like it.
4. What is your most favourite set of buttons you've ever made?Tuff question! This is like asking me to choose my favourite child. NOT THAT I HAVE ANY CHILDREN! But, I think it would probably have to be my Zelda Triforce set. I like that when you put them together they make the Triforce. So cool! I’m a genius! Ok, if you’re not a game nerd and don’t know anything about Zelda, this will make no sense. So ya, that set or my Mexican Wrestling Mask set, which actually sells pretty good! I love wrestling (another reason why I’m a nerd and single).
5. Alright, confession time.. I was one of those kids with at least 10 buttons on their backpack.. please tell me that was you too?I think I was the adult with at least 10 buttons on their backpack for a while… I don’t wear backpacks anymore, thankfully. And my current button wearing style has been toned down to 1 or 2 buttons MAX. That’s just me, though! I’ve always loved buttons. I have a box full of buttons that I’ve collected since my childhood. Sometimes you just gotta let people know what’s up with a button on your jacket. That way they know you love Tofu or hate the Yankees or that you’re a huge video game nerd.
6. Any advise to fellow Etsians?Ya, make cool stuff! Not that I’m some sort of Etsy role model, but there are tons of talented people making awesome stuff and it’s pretty cool that there is a place like Etsy to find them.
Lucky #7: Tell me what's been on your playlist lately.Thin Lizzy
Municipal Waste
ABBA (don’t laugh)
Dolly Parton (shut up, ok!)
Judas Priest
Giveaway time! Chris is letting one lucky winner a chance to win 2 sets of his buttons!
Wanna win?
Mandatory: Visit the
ButtonMachine & comment with the two button sets you'd like to win!
♡ Purchase anything from the ButtonMachine (+5 extra - leave 5 comments)
♡ 'Heart' his Etsy store! (Leave your Etsy s/n in the comment)
♡ Follow my blog!
♡ Blog about this giveaway (+2 extra - leave 2 comments; w/ link)
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Please post a separate comment with each entry and with a way to reach you please!! :)Open to anyone, anywhere!
Giveaway will close November 30 and winner will be chosen with random.org (Trying to stay green!)